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Membership Breakdown

Full Membership

The full membership is pro-rated throughout the year based on each quarter. The membership is based on the calendar year from January and expires December 31st of each year.

Yearly Membership is: $1,250.00 (plus GST). If you join throughout the year, we prorate this amount. Whatever quarter you join in that is the amount for the remainder of the year.

Quarter Rate (Not Incl. GST)
1st Quarter (January - March) $ 1,250.00
2nd Quarter (April - June) $ 1,065.00 3rd Quarter (July - September) $ 880.00 4th Quarter (October - December) $ 695.00

Associate Membership

The Associate Membership is based on the calendar year from January and expires December 31st of each year.

Quarter Rate (Not Incl. GST)
Full Year (January - December) $ 425.00

Membership Type

Full Membership
Associate Membership

The information provided in this application will be treated with the utmost confidence and will be used solely for administration of the membership and the services provided by our Association.

Be advised that the information provided will be supplied to Alberta and Canadian Construction Association to facilitate the administration of services provided your firm by those organizations in keeping with the co-operative agreements in place.

Submission of this application will be considered consent to use the above information for the purposes stated.